





日時: 2023年3月3日(金)10:30〜11:30

場所: C104講義室

講師: ルーカス・シュライバー博士(ドイツ・ボン大学)

演題: 非生物的ストレスからの葉のクチンや根のスベリンによる植物体の保護

Leaves and roots are separated from the surrounding environment by extracellular lipophilic biopolymers. The interface between the atmosphere and leaves is formed by the hydrophobic waxy cuticle sealing the outer epidermal cell walls. The soil/root interface is formed by the endo- and exodermis characterized by lignified and suberized cell walls. In response to various abiotic stress factors (osmotic stress, salt stress, nutrient deficiency, oxygen deficiency …) cuticular wax deposition and root suberization are often enhanced. Changes in gene expression, chemical composition and water transport in barley leaves and roots in response to osmotic stress have been analysed and compared in detail. In leaves main responses are the induction of wax biosynthesis genes, the reduction of leaf elongation and enhanced wax depositions. However, cuticular transpiration of barley is not at all affected. In roots main responses are the induction of suberin biosynthesis genes, the reduction in root elongation and enhanced root suberization. However, different from leaves this leads to a reduced radial water and solute transport in roots. Potential reasons and hypothesis for these very different functional responses of leaf and root transport barriers in reaction to osmotic stress will be discussed.

コロナ禍も先が見えはじめ,ようやく著名海外研究者の,オンラインではない,貴重な対面での招聘セミナーが実現しました.  ルーカス・シュライバー博士は,植物体表面保護を担う葉のクチンや根のスベリンの構造と機能の研究の第一人者です.彼のお祖父さんはバルセロナ・チェアのデザインで知られるミース・ファン・デア・ローエです.  万障お繰り合わせの上,ぜひご参加ください.


ホスト:唐原一郎(076-445-6630 karahara(a)sci.u-toyama.ac.jp)(メール送信の際は,(a)を@に変えてください.)
