Aim & Themes

Medical, pharmaceutical and biological application are the key areas for micromaunfacturing development. Idea and knowledge exchanges among researchers from these fields will definitely benefit each other in order to accelerating research pace, extending application area as well as speeding innovative interdisciplinary technique development. The scope of this forum is to bring academia and industries together for innovative idea, inspirations and collaborations establishments. This forum proposes a good stage for exchange among researchers from these field. Additional symposiums also open the discussions of matching state-of-the-art technologies to market needs. The exhibition of industrial product achievement offers participants chances to concretely touch commercial products and understand their functions. For boarder application inspirations, papers contain pure scientific contents are also welcome for submissions.

Topics covered are:

Microfactory Concepts and Micro-manufacturing Applications
Micromachining, Micro forming, Micro-EDM and others
Materials for Micro manufacturing
Tribology and Surface Engineering in Micro manufacturing
Technologies for Biofabrication, Bio-Processing
Bio-Science / Bio-Engineering
Applications of Biofabrication

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